Thursday, April 17, 2008


According to Tim Riley- If Netscape was the standard bearer for Web 1.0, Google is most certainly the standard bearer for Web 2.0. . From the researching I have done on Web 2.0 and Web 1.0 I have come to realise that there is quite a difference between the two.

These two types of the Web are seen as DIY Media and Collaboration and this is the topic for my week 7’s blog. I am new to this whole virtual cultures subject and was unaware of that there were even two different types of Web. From my understanding of Web 2.0 which was introduced by Tim Riley and from reading sources, Web 2.0 in the computer industry is a business revolution caused by the move to the internet as a platform and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that platform.

In contrast Web 1.0 in my own words is about reading, home pages, html, client-server and companies. Web 1.0 was the past and it seem that Web 2.0 is the future, with Web 2.0, being a new and improved system which provides communities, writing, blogging, peer to peer and interaction between one another on the web rather then individual concepts which is what Web 1.0 is about.

In Tim Riley’s article What is Web 2.0, he defines Web 2.0 as… Services, not packaged software, with cost-effective scalability, Control over unique, hard-to-recreate data sources that get richer as more people use them, Trusting users as co-developers, Lightweight user interfaces, development models, AND business models. The term Web 2.0 throughout my researching i have found has been frequently criticized for its suggestions of a revolutionary new stage in Internet development. However in my opinion Web 2.0 is the basis of social networking communities and online communities. There are more and more people joining Face book for example and this is due to the fact that Web 2.0 provides a community concept and is revolved around interaction.

Web 2.0 can be seen as being apart of the new DIY media and collaboration concept throughout the virtual world. According to Axel Bruns The concept of DIY is no longer new- it has emerged over the last couple of decades and has older histories such as open source software development- which is a community of developers of programmers themselves who come together to make soft ware and share the software with the rest of the world so the rest of the world can be included as well.

Web 2.0 is defiantly the new and improved internet and virtual concept of the future with interaction and peer to peer relations being the main focus. The concept of DIY media and collaboration has provided the internet and people with the opportunity to be free and to blog, interact and talk to people over the internet. This to me is the way of the future.

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