These are the people whose blogs i commented on:
Cinema 8- Are Social Networks divided by age/gender?
PB 201 Virtual Culutres Blog- Citizen Journalisim Pt 2
Jades Blog- Step 1 Start Blogging
Kato- Web 2.0 vs Web 1.0
Ash's KCB201 Blog- Ebay & PayPal vs. Australia
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The concept of blogging
For my last blog for KCB201 i am gonig to quickly blog about my thoughts on blogging..... over the past 7 weeks i have come to learn alot.
I quite like the idea of blogging whether it be academic, personal, for entertainment or just to do something. For the past 7 weeks i have found quite alot of intersting blogs .. Some on the subject or topic i was searching for and others on fashion, makeup, celebrities- these three things are obviously alot more interesting then the topical blogs for KCB201.
Blogs allow people to write about what is important to them.. such as the recent earthquake in China, the latest fashion, their family, for eduational purposese and the list goes on. Blogging can relate to everyone. It allows people to have a voice and to voice their opinions... Some blogs may be read by others while others can simply be personal. No matter who reads your bolg, blogs allow you to get things off your chest and simply just write about what is important to you or what you find interesting.
Overall i have come to like the conept of blogging, the idea of epxressing opinions, the idea of people reading and commenting on your opinions and the idea of becoming involved in the newest media technology.
I quite like the idea of blogging whether it be academic, personal, for entertainment or just to do something. For the past 7 weeks i have found quite alot of intersting blogs .. Some on the subject or topic i was searching for and others on fashion, makeup, celebrities- these three things are obviously alot more interesting then the topical blogs for KCB201.
Blogs allow people to write about what is important to them.. such as the recent earthquake in China, the latest fashion, their family, for eduational purposese and the list goes on. Blogging can relate to everyone. It allows people to have a voice and to voice their opinions... Some blogs may be read by others while others can simply be personal. No matter who reads your bolg, blogs allow you to get things off your chest and simply just write about what is important to you or what you find interesting.
Overall i have come to like the conept of blogging, the idea of epxressing opinions, the idea of people reading and commenting on your opinions and the idea of becoming involved in the newest media technology.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Citizen Journalism
If you type Citizen Journalisim into Google you get about 17 million results and all which describe the concept in different ways.
If you take a look at Tom Merrit's Blog for it goes into detail explaining the difference of inside journalism vs outside perspective.
In his blog he suggets that todays blog is yesterdays newspaper. He also makes mention and what i deem to be very true that Websites started off the same way as blogs- Tom suggets that websites in the 1990's was a very academic or possibly a personal thing to have, by the end of the 90's it was a business venture and so the "blogs can simply be seen as a very special kind of Web site".
The concept of journalism vs outside perspective which Tom talks about in his blog describes the idea that journalists of blogs are citizens. He then goes on to describe citizen journalism as "regualr Joes with Web site, as opposed to folks who are employed by big media companies...Outsiders eventually can become insiders, and less often, insiders fall to become outsiders again"
On the other hand i found another blog which discusses Citizen Journalism however in a more negaitve way.
The blog named: Citizen journalism sucks is written by James Farmer for The Age. He seems to think that being a journalist all you need to do is write, report and publish and you are no longer a citizen but better known as a journalist. According to James Farmer "Journalism is a profession and journalism provides for the quality and breadth of content that keeps an enormous number of readers coming back for more. "
After reading both of these articles i am confused as to what i really think about citizen journalism. I do believe however that journalism is a profession and a hard one at that. To me blogging is not journalisim it is an expression of ideas and words, and i am not sure if i am sourced enough to decide on whether i think Citizen Journalism is a good or bad thing. However i do know that having a story in reagrds to a "real person" and a "real life story" is pretty interesting and if that is what citizen journalism is- well maybe i am for it.
But you should have a look at both of the articles and decide for yourselves....
If you take a look at Tom Merrit's Blog for it goes into detail explaining the difference of inside journalism vs outside perspective.
In his blog he suggets that todays blog is yesterdays newspaper. He also makes mention and what i deem to be very true that Websites started off the same way as blogs- Tom suggets that websites in the 1990's was a very academic or possibly a personal thing to have, by the end of the 90's it was a business venture and so the "blogs can simply be seen as a very special kind of Web site".
The concept of journalism vs outside perspective which Tom talks about in his blog describes the idea that journalists of blogs are citizens. He then goes on to describe citizen journalism as "regualr Joes with Web site, as opposed to folks who are employed by big media companies...Outsiders eventually can become insiders, and less often, insiders fall to become outsiders again"
On the other hand i found another blog which discusses Citizen Journalism however in a more negaitve way.
The blog named: Citizen journalism sucks is written by James Farmer for The Age. He seems to think that being a journalist all you need to do is write, report and publish and you are no longer a citizen but better known as a journalist. According to James Farmer "Journalism is a profession and journalism provides for the quality and breadth of content that keeps an enormous number of readers coming back for more. "
After reading both of these articles i am confused as to what i really think about citizen journalism. I do believe however that journalism is a profession and a hard one at that. To me blogging is not journalisim it is an expression of ideas and words, and i am not sure if i am sourced enough to decide on whether i think Citizen Journalism is a good or bad thing. However i do know that having a story in reagrds to a "real person" and a "real life story" is pretty interesting and if that is what citizen journalism is- well maybe i am for it.
But you should have a look at both of the articles and decide for yourselves....
Friday, May 2, 2008
Produsage- what is it
I have been very interested in the term produsage as i was unaware of what it meant and wanted to find out more.... So i looked for an article by Axel Bruns and whollaa i got what i needed...
According to Axel Bruns article “Produsage, Generation C, and Their Effects on the Democratic Process” Produsage is “the collaborative and iterative content creation practices within many user-led environments as a hybrid and often inextricable combination of production and use”.
Now to me this is very academic and hard to comprehend... so in my own words and after reading numerous sources produsage can be seen as-a term to define users of the internet who act as a mixture of both producer/users virtually throughout the production process of the internet. Axel Bruns makes mention of 4 core characteristics of produsage:
• Community-Based – produsage proceeds from the assumption that the community as
a whole, if sufficiently large and varied, can contribute more than a closed team of
producers, however qualified they may be.
• Fluid Roles – produsers participate as is appropriate to their personal skills, interests,
and knowledges, and may form loose sub-groups to focus on specific issues, topics,
or problems; this changes as the produsage project proceeds.
• Unfinished Artefacts – content artefacts in produsage projects are continually under
development, and therefore always unfinished; their development follows
evolutionary, iterative, palimpsestic paths.
• Common Property, Individual Merit – contributors permit (non-commercial)
community use, adaptation, and further development of their intellectual property, and
are rewarded by the status capital they gain through this process. (Axel Bruns)
These 4 core characteristics of Produsage help to understand the basis of which this concept. There is a virtual culture online called Second Life which is a 3D virtual world where users can socialise, connect and create using voice and text chat. This online world Second Life is a prime example of the concept Produsgae.
Second Life is all 4 of the core charaterisitcs of Produsage- Community based the community of Second Life is a community form the offline world. The producers of Second Life are also users of the virtual game. This also links into Fluid Roles- The producers participate in Second Life and they are able to become involved and find out what is working for the virtual world and what is not. The world of Second Life is continually changing and the developments in the world are evolutionary and iterative. There is also indiviual merit and common property in Second World. Actual business can tarde in this world and these business make money which can be seen as merit. There is also common property which is used by the indivduals in this virtual world.
Second Life in my opnion and in others is an interesting and perfect example of Produsage. This concept of a virtual world and people living a life online just like offline is really inertesting and only makes the concept of Produsage seem more interesting to me.
I thought i would add some photos of Second Life so you could see how real this online world really looks to the offline world.
All 3 of these pictures show the realness of the places which are shown ... The Effiel Tower, a beach and a garden.
According to Axel Bruns article “Produsage, Generation C, and Their Effects on the Democratic Process” Produsage is “the collaborative and iterative content creation practices within many user-led environments as a hybrid and often inextricable combination of production and use”.
Now to me this is very academic and hard to comprehend... so in my own words and after reading numerous sources produsage can be seen as-a term to define users of the internet who act as a mixture of both producer/users virtually throughout the production process of the internet. Axel Bruns makes mention of 4 core characteristics of produsage:
• Community-Based – produsage proceeds from the assumption that the community as
a whole, if sufficiently large and varied, can contribute more than a closed team of
producers, however qualified they may be.
• Fluid Roles – produsers participate as is appropriate to their personal skills, interests,
and knowledges, and may form loose sub-groups to focus on specific issues, topics,
or problems; this changes as the produsage project proceeds.
• Unfinished Artefacts – content artefacts in produsage projects are continually under
development, and therefore always unfinished; their development follows
evolutionary, iterative, palimpsestic paths.
• Common Property, Individual Merit – contributors permit (non-commercial)
community use, adaptation, and further development of their intellectual property, and
are rewarded by the status capital they gain through this process. (Axel Bruns)
These 4 core characteristics of Produsage help to understand the basis of which this concept. There is a virtual culture online called Second Life which is a 3D virtual world where users can socialise, connect and create using voice and text chat. This online world Second Life is a prime example of the concept Produsgae.
Second Life is all 4 of the core charaterisitcs of Produsage- Community based the community of Second Life is a community form the offline world. The producers of Second Life are also users of the virtual game. This also links into Fluid Roles- The producers participate in Second Life and they are able to become involved and find out what is working for the virtual world and what is not. The world of Second Life is continually changing and the developments in the world are evolutionary and iterative. There is also indiviual merit and common property in Second World. Actual business can tarde in this world and these business make money which can be seen as merit. There is also common property which is used by the indivduals in this virtual world.
Second Life in my opnion and in others is an interesting and perfect example of Produsage. This concept of a virtual world and people living a life online just like offline is really inertesting and only makes the concept of Produsage seem more interesting to me.
I thought i would add some photos of Second Life so you could see how real this online world really looks to the offline world.
All 3 of these pictures show the realness of the places which are shown ... The Effiel Tower, a beach and a garden.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Social Networking
Social Networking is my favourite topic in regards to this subject KCB201 Virtual Cultures. I am sure it is my favourite as I am apart of a social network such as Facebook and can finally relate to one of the topics of this subject. So lets begin.....
Social networking web sites and online communities have emerged as a communication element for young adults in the 21st century. MySpace and Facebook are two leading popular social networking sites which offer interactive services to its users. MySpace is the most popular social networking web site in the world, offering blogs, personal profiles, network of friends, photos, music and videos.
In Robin Raskin’s article “Facebook faces its future” she outlines how Facebook compared to MySpace is one of the first social networks to have been built in exclusivity. The Facebook community is closed to anyone who doesn’t belong to an academic community for Example University. Facebook and MySpace can be seen as a networked community where members are easily “addicted” in a sense and are constantly running back to check the latest developments on the site. I can personally say I am in some ways “addicted” to Facebook, while writing this blog, I am constantly checking my wall or writing on someone else’s, in a way Facebook to me is an easy way of communication, you don’t have to talk to anyone and it is easily and readily available and you can type away while doing something else. This however can be a very scary thought, is face to face and personal interaction lacking due to the fact that social networks and online communities make it easy just to have a chat over the internet with friends rather then in person?
Social networks such as Facebook also allow friends and family to become apart of another ‘family’ via virtual communities. For instance photos from the weekend a wedding or a 21st can be uploaded onto your social network page so that friends are able to view them and comment on them. .. this is a great tool in any case as you are able to share photos and good times with your friends. Social networking especially Facebook is really a great concept.... It allows you to inertact online, chat to people, upload photos and have your own little network with friends.
The question that remains however is whether or not social networking consumers will lose their habit as they age.
Social networking web sites and online communities have emerged as a communication element for young adults in the 21st century. MySpace and Facebook are two leading popular social networking sites which offer interactive services to its users. MySpace is the most popular social networking web site in the world, offering blogs, personal profiles, network of friends, photos, music and videos.
In Robin Raskin’s article “Facebook faces its future” she outlines how Facebook compared to MySpace is one of the first social networks to have been built in exclusivity. The Facebook community is closed to anyone who doesn’t belong to an academic community for Example University. Facebook and MySpace can be seen as a networked community where members are easily “addicted” in a sense and are constantly running back to check the latest developments on the site. I can personally say I am in some ways “addicted” to Facebook, while writing this blog, I am constantly checking my wall or writing on someone else’s, in a way Facebook to me is an easy way of communication, you don’t have to talk to anyone and it is easily and readily available and you can type away while doing something else. This however can be a very scary thought, is face to face and personal interaction lacking due to the fact that social networks and online communities make it easy just to have a chat over the internet with friends rather then in person?
Social networks such as Facebook also allow friends and family to become apart of another ‘family’ via virtual communities. For instance photos from the weekend a wedding or a 21st can be uploaded onto your social network page so that friends are able to view them and comment on them. .. this is a great tool in any case as you are able to share photos and good times with your friends. Social networking especially Facebook is really a great concept.... It allows you to inertact online, chat to people, upload photos and have your own little network with friends.
The question that remains however is whether or not social networking consumers will lose their habit as they age.
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